RSM has been installing propane gas systems since 1989 and is one of the market leaders. The systems are delivered complete from and including the gas tank (above/below ground) with pipes to the evaporator and onwards to the gas burner.
Experienced certified gas technicians in a large professional environment provide assurance of good quality.
RSM Gas Services has an agency for:
Since 1989
Trygge og driftssikre anlegg forutsetter et godt vedlikehold. Det er derfor et lovpålagt krav at alle eiere av LPG anlegg må ha skriftlige avtaler med godkjente firma for utførelse av service og vedlikehold, tankrevisjon og akkreditert kontroll.
Our customers are private individuals, condominiums and business/industry. We offer service and maintenance, accredited inspections, tank audits category I & II and new gas systems.
Service and maintenance of private and industrial facilities must be carried out annually by an approved company. Self-inspection every month.
Tankrevisjon må utføres hvert 3. år av godkjent firma.
Self-monitoring every month.
Utføres hvert 2-5 år av godkjent akkreditert inspeksjonsorgan.
Self-monitoring every month.
RSM is a gas inspection company in Agder that delivers complete propane gas systems, accredited final inspections and audits of all types of LPG tanks.
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